The purpose of 社会研究 instruction at Xaverian is to promote the ability of our students to make informed and reasoned decisions for the welfare of society consistent with Gospel values as members of a culturally diverse, 相互依存世界中的民主社会.
The objective of this course is to present to the student an overview of Global History from primitive times to the Age of Absolutism and to enhance the skills necessary to excel in the New York State Global Studies Regents exam. 符合纽约州社会研究委员会的测试, 本课程将包括文件分析和分析论文的完成.
The objective of this course is to present to the student an overview of Global History from primitive times to the Age of Absolutism and to enhance the skills necessary to excel in both the New York State Global Studies Regents and the Advanced Placement World History exam. 与AP世界历史考试一致, 这门课需要更高级的教科书, 阅读复杂的文件, 完成具有挑战性的论文.
The objective of this course is to prepare students for the Global Studies Regents exam administered at the end of the sophomore year. Global 10课程将概述从启蒙运动到现在的全球事件. 就像环球九, 学生将被要求评估相关文件并完成评议风格的论文问题.
The content objectives of this course are identical to those of the 全球研究10 course with the addition of enrichment reading and writing assignments. 阅读作业将包括对大量原始资料的解读. 根据学生在大一全球研究课程的学术成绩和院系批准,学生被录取. 作为一个荣誉班,学生将被要求阅读额外的和更具挑战性的材料. 本课程的另一项要求是,学生在学年期间将阅读一部历史作品(非小说或小说).
The purpose of the AP世界历史 course is to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts, 与不同类型的人类社会互动. 本课程强调国际框架变化的性质及其原因和后果, 以及主要社会之间的比较. It will also emphasize relevant factual knowledge used in conjunction with leading interpretive issues and types of historical evidence. 本课程也将建立在对文化的理解之上, 机构, 技术上的先例, 除了地理因素, 搭建人类舞台. 本课程的另一项要求是学生将阅读一部非虚构的历史作品. 这门课的学生将参加世界历史先修课程考试和全球研究考试.
本课程是在完成全球研究10课程后开设的. The course objective is to introduce the student to a well-organized presentation of the experiences and 成就 of the American people and to provide the basis for an objective and critical evaluation of the growth and 发展 of the United States from colonial time to the present. 本课程将强调原始文献的整合与使用. 学生在完成本课程后参加美国历史和政府的评议考试. 初中历史研究论文是课程要求.
本课程是在完成全球研究10(H)之后进行的。. The course objective is to introduce the student to a well-organized presentation of the experiences and 成就 of the American people and to provide the basis for an objective and critical evaluation of the growth and 发展 of the United States from colonial time to the present. 本课程将强调原始文献的整合与使用. 学生在完成本课程后参加美国历史和政府的评议考试. 初中历史研究论文是课程要求.
The Advanced Placement Program (AP) offers a course and exam in 美联社美国历史 to qualified students who wish to complete studies in secondary school equivalent to an introductory college course in U.S. history. The AP U.S. History course is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in U.S. history. The program will prepare students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students in this class will be required to complete a junior research paper commensurate with a Xaverian honors-level 社会研究 class.
本课程将探讨和比较中国不同的政府结构和公民社会, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, 和英国. 通过这样做,学生们将更好地了解世界各地的政治. 本课程旨在拓宽学生对全球政治的理解,使他们更好地为全球化的世界做好准备. The class can serve as a complement to the 国际事务与关系 course for those interested in pursuing a career in a related field. The course will also help to build analytical skills by exploring important governmental themes like political participation and culture, 选举制度和政府组织, 以及政治和经济的变化和发展.
本课程是为进入Xaverian AP Law的荣誉学生开设的入门级课程 & 政治学荣誉课程. 在社会研究方面取得成功的学院学生 & 英语和对法律感兴趣的学生可以通过荣誉办公室申请这门课. This class will discuss fundamental concepts of the American legal system which would include the structure of the American court system, 律师在我国法律制度中的作用, 刑法的基本概念, 少年司法, tort law, 消费者法律, 家庭法, 环境法律, 法律道德, 以及宪法的核心概念. 成功完成本课程后, 学生将被允许继续Xaverian的法律课程,并在St. 约翰的《外围博彩平台》和《外围博彩平台》以及这一系列的其他选修课.
This course is designed to enable students to think as informed citizens in reference to the most significant and enduring issues of the United States Constitution. 它将重点关注美国宪法中值得注意的案例,重点关注公民自由, 刑法, 以及第一修正案的权利. 选修这门课的学生将被要求阅读和研究最高法院判决的摘录.
The 雪城大学心理学 course is an advanced college-level course completed by junior and senior students in the Honors Program at Xaverian. 本课程旨在培养学生的智力、个性和品格. 本课程的学术目标是鼓励对观点的深入理解, principles, 以及包括神经心理学在内的主要心理学流派的研究结果, learning, and memory, 认知与问题解决, 发展, 变态心理学, 以及社会心理学.
学生将展示对理论观点的理解, 定量和定性研究, 以及心理学中的关键问题.
学生将从多元文化的角度分析心理问题. This objective will be met through formal instruction in class and informal discussions during Psychology Club: an extension of classroom learning which fosters an opportunity for 批判性思维 and peer sharing.
The International Affairs course will align with the Law and Political Science Program at the school and gives students the opportunity to learn about global policy. 本课程扩展了在AP微观经济学和宪法法学等课程中学习的材料. The course will examine the organization of world politics in the context of globalization and provides an overview of international organizations, 比如联合国, 以及区域组织, 比如欧盟. International Affairs/Relations will use a combination of in-class exams and research-based projects as a mode of student evaluation.
本课程将探讨1870年至今美国历史的时代和主题. It will integrate current events in an effort to draw parallels among historical events and periods and will attempt to build arguments using historical background.
The objective of this course is to present to the student an overview of global history from primitive times to the Age of Absolutism and to begin preparing for the NYS Global Regents examination in sophomore year. 特别强调全球一致性和地方差异. 符合纽约标准, 这门课程将要求学生研读世界历史上的重要文献.
The course will analyze events and people from the Enlightenment to the present day along with a brief review of topics in Global 9. 学生们将学会历史思考, culturally, 政治上,国家和社会的历史演变. 他们将研究地理因素的影响, resources, religion, 文化对这种增长的影响以及什么因素使世界各地不同时期的人们团结在一起,什么因素使人们分裂.
学生们被介绍到一个组织良好的经验介绍, 成就, and failures of the American people and are given the basis for an objective and critical evaluation of the United States from Colonial Times to the present. 书中谈到了美国人民建立的思想和制度及其长期以来所产生的影响. 学生们遵循纽约州立大学的标准,并在6月份参加纽约州立大学的评议.
本课程的前半部分着重于公民学、公民身份和政府等主题. Students will study contemporary and/or historic public issues to increase awareness of their rights and responsibilities as citizens. “参与”一词应从广义上加以解释. 它旨在让学生参与与个人相关的公共政策和问题的分析. 课程的一部分将专门讨论美国的犯罪和青少年司法系统. 课程的后半部分旨在让学生了解基本的经济概念. 学生将熟悉美国的经济体系及其运作方式. 他们还探讨了美国经济体系中各个组成部分的作用. 学生们审视他们作为消费者、工人、投资者和投票公民的角色. 讨论的主题包括股票市场, 比较经济制度, 以及政治和社会决策对经济的影响.